What is social media marketing?

SMM abbreviated as social media marketing is also known as e-marketing and digital marketing. It is the use of social media platforms on which users build social networks and share information. It is also building a company’s brand, driving website traffic, ad increasing sales.
In addition to giving companies a way to engage with existing customers and reach new customers, social media marketing (SMM) has purpose-built data analytics that helps marketers track the success of their efforts and engage more help in specifying methods.

For the millions watching you
The audience is our priority
Grow with your audience

Consistent interaction with a potential audience

Since half of the world’s population spends about three hours a day on social networks, SMM is the best way to communicate with the audience. This way, your brand is already where your customers prefer to spend their time, so it helps you become more trustworthy and reliable.
Additionally, SMM more than any other marketing channel helps you get feedback from customers. In any possible way through reviews, likes, comments, etc. If your clients have had a bad experience with your product, they will tell you about it through a social network rather than an email or a telephone call. This provides an opportunity to respond appropriately and retain that particular client and attract others.

Why is social media marketing so powerful?

The power of social media marketing (SMM) is driven by social media’s unparalleled potential in three core marketing areas: connection, interaction, and customer data.


Social media not only enables businesses to connect with consumers in ways that were previously impossible but also have an extraordinary range of opportunities to connect with target audiences’ content platforms (such as YouTube) and from social sites (such as Facebook).


The dynamic nature of social media interactions whether direct communication or passive “likes” enables businesses to take advantage of free advertising opportunities from eWOM (electronic word of mouth) recommendations among existing and potential customers.

Customer Data

A well-designed social media marketing (SMM) plan provides another invaluable resource for increasing the marketing results of customer data. Not only is the positive contagion effect of eWOM a valuable driver of consumer decisions.

How does Social Media Marketing Work?

As platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram took off, social media changed not only the way we connect with each other, but the way businesses are able to influence consumer behavior such as by promoting content that drives engagement across geographic, demographic, and personal boundaries.

How do I create a social media marketing strategy?

Effective marketing on social networks is impossible without a well-developed social media strategy. We've already published a definitive guide on how to create a content marketing strategy to promote your brand. Here we will summarize only the main points:

Analyze your target audience

You need to define your customer persona to reach their hearts.

Select vital social media platforms

Not all of these may suit your business, use platforms that are popular with your target demographic

Choose your brand voice

The way you interact with customers defines how they perceive your business.

Make a social media content plan

Include multiple types of content, i.e. advertising, entertaining and informational.

Outline KPIs

They should tie in strongly with the initial goals of your social media marketing efforts.

Advantages of Social Media Marketing

Apart from reaching a wider audience and closer interaction with customers, SMM has other advantages. There are many advantages to combining social media into your marketing strategy.

Increase brand awareness

54% of consumers research products through social media. Therefore, a brand should have high-quality accounts on various social networks to capitalize on consumers’ social media interests. In this case, potential customers can reach a brand on their preferred platform.

Boost website traffic

Although many social media platforms allow brands to sell their products without going to an external website or landing page, social media is still a great way to drive traffic. For example, 11% of all mobile website traffic originates from social media.

Fast and easy content distribution

People always share useful, interesting and entertaining information with their friends on social networks. It often goes beyond the network and its members and facilitates the growth of your target audience. SMM is a great way to inform your customers about special offers.

Consistent interaction with a potential audience

Since half of the world’s population spends about three hours a day on social networks, SMM is the best way to communicate with the audience. This way, your brand is already where your customers prefer to spend their time.

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